
Riveted Little Disciples

“Fan into flame the gift of God.” - 2 Timothy 1:6

Nursery - Ages 0-2 years & Preschool - 3-5 years

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

We love our children! We want the best for our children! They are our precious stewardship!
At Riveted Church we want to show our children how much they are loved, not just by us, but by the God who created them. Each child is created uniquely, and we want them to grow in the knowledge that God took special care to create them just the way they are, so that as they grow in their relationship with Him they will be able to serve Him and others in a very special way. Always being reminded that they are each made for this time, for this place and for a special purpose, will help them to be comfortable and confident in God's love for them.

Purpose & Schedule

Our Purpose in Riveted Kids

At Riveted Church, taking care of your children is our top priority. We provide a safe and fun atmosphere for your children to grow and learn with other children their age.  Our teachers are background checked and have a passion for teaching your children age-appropriate truths about who God is , His Word, how much
He loves them!


9:00 am - Sunday School
10:15 am - Worship Service
Childcare is provided during services & sunday school.

6:30 pm -Kids' Classes
Kids learn about missions around the world and our mission where we live.

Contact Us

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